/ Events
July 18 - August 29, 2020
A+ Online Festival of Video Art: Mobility÷Death÷Mobility
A+ Works of Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, MY
March 16, 2019
Serbian Book Fair Toronto, Hivers, Toronto, CA
February 25, 2019
Oxford Transitional Justice Research, Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law
Oxford University, Oxford, UK
October 19 - November 16, 2018
17th Annual Juried Art Exhibition Cambridge Centre for the Arts, Cambridge ON, CA
October 17 - December 9, 2018
SCAN Tarragona, SCAN PHOTOBOOKS, Port of Tarragona, ES
June 22 - July 30, 2018
Reality Exchange, Group Exhibition, Fifty Dots Gallery, Barcelona, ES
July 24 - 27, 2018
17th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, GR
June 7 - 10, 2018
Law at the Crossroads: Annual Meeting on Law and Society
Sheraton Centre, Toronto, CA
April 10 - May 4, 2018
Ontario Society of Artists, 145th Annual Open Juried Exhibition
John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, CA
May 8 - 12, 2018
Recall, Reflect, Return: International Performance Symposium
Khalil Skakini Cultural Centre Ramallah PL
April 10 - May 4, 2018
Ontario Society of Artists, 145th Annual Open Juried Exhibition
John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, CA
March 25, 2018
You Are Here: Interdisciplinary Conference on Place, Space, and Embodiment
Creighton University Omaha NE, USA
January 11 - February 10, 2018
VAM40, Juried Show of Fine Arts
Visual Arts Mississauga, Mississauga, CA
October 10, 2017
Raw and Regional, Artist Speaker Series
Cambridge Art Galleries, Cambridge, CA
May 4 - 5, 2017
To Un-Become, Multimedia Installation
University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, FI
/ Awards
Honorable Mention
Visual Arts Mississauga and Art Gallery of Mississauga
"This photograph masterfully deploys light and shadow to suggest the trauma that results in the aftermath of armed conflict. Its careful composition brings attention to a building's façade, darkened in shadow but with several suggestive, open, light-filled windows, and a figure that surveys a landscape of debris. After the war, this is an image that suggests both the futility of attempting to rebuild one's life and the ever-present possibility that life must persist."
Jurors: John Armstrong, Jayne Wilkinson, and Faisal Anwar
OSA 145th Annual Open Juried Exhibition Currys Award
Ontario Society of Artists and John B. Aird Gallery
Jurors: Richard Rhodes, William Huffman, and Janet Hendershot